




25日,移民部(IRCC)在议会提出了“修订公民法的法案”(An Act to amend the Citizenship Act) c6 议案的要领如下: 1、去除因为国家安全原因可以剥夺加拿大公民身份的条款, 2、去除要求申请人成为加拿大公民后,要求继续居住在加拿大的条款, 3、减少要求一个人成为公民之前要求实际居住在加拿大的时间,并且让申请人在成为永久居民之前的实际居住时间能够被计算进来。



(2)Subparagraph 5(1)(c)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following(i)been physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days during the five years immediately before the date of his or her application, and也就是居住在加拿大的时间会被改为5年之内住满3年,这个比之前的4年内住满3年要更为宽松。(4)Subparagraph 5(1)(c)(iii) of the Act is replaced by the following(iii)met any applicable requirement under the Income Tax Act to file a return of income in respect of three taxation years that are fully or partially within the five years immediately before the date of his or her application报税的条款没有改变,要求申请人在申请入籍之前的5个财年内报税3年。Length of physical presence calculation (1.001)For the purpose of subparagraph (1)(c)(i), the length of physical presence is calculated in the following manner (a)for every day during which the person was physically present in Canada as a temporary resident or protected person under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act before becoming a permanent resident, the person accumulates half of a day of physical presence, up to a maximum of 365 days and成为永久居民之前的合法居住时间可以折半计算,多可以折算一年。7Subsection 11(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “and” at the end of paragraph (d), by adding “and” at the end of paragraph (c) and by repealing paragraph (e).要求有成为公民之后继续居住在加拿大的意图的条款被直接去除。新的公民法案将为申请者提供更多便利在加拿大保守党执政期间,曾修改公民法案,遗留下许多有争议的条款,比如当做出“损害国家利益”的行为时,执政党有权取消公民身份。不仅如此,在Harper执政期间,公民申请周期延长,造成工作堆积,大量加拿大移民的公民身份申请积压,得不到解决。如今自由党上台后,正在逐渐履行竞选时的承诺,废除前任保守党设下的,有争议的加拿大移民政策条款,公民法案就是其中一项。移民部长 John McCallum表示,调整后,新的公民法案将为申请者提供更多便利,满足公民要求,使移民可以更快的获得加拿大正式公民的身份。他说“我们履行竞选时的承诺,废除有争议的条款。山东移民中介新启点加拿大的公民就是加拿大的公民,执政府无权撤销公民国籍。我们要完善公民身份的申请过程,并保证程序完整。”